Wednesday 15 January 2020

Clarity regarding Christadelphian core beliefs': For if the trumpet give...

This video examines the growing trend amongst all Christian denominations to embrace modern thinking in place of the Bible narrative, amongst the issues considered in this video include the rise and acceptance of Theistic Evolution (Evolutionary creationism), the role of women in ecclesia, voting and participation within the armed forces. Many of these practices are being done away from the main fellowship and behind closed doors in attempt to gain support for their unscriptural ideas.

Thursday 2 January 2020

Basic Bible Teachings 2 'Beasts Have 'SPIRIT' like man'

A Thought for the day - Getting it right!


One of the most intriguing things about the story of Cain and Abel, is that we are not told why Abel's offering was accepted but Cain's offering was not. All sorts of ideas have been presented, but the fact remains that the Bible does not actually tell us. All we know is that "the Lord looked with favour on Abel and his offering, but on Cain and his offering he did not look with favour." (Gen 4:4-5)

It is quite significant really, that we are not told, because at times we can all make mistakes or have wrong attitudes that displease God. If we knew the step by step of Cain's wrongdoing, we would only avoid that one mistake without examining our attitudes and actions for anything that might distance us from God. Not only that, but we need to be humble and learn from our mistakes, unlike Cain, who chose to get even instead of getting right.

We have all felt like Cain at some time in our lives. Having had our faults pointed out, we feel like getting mad instead of getting right.

So, no matter what our circumstances or our faults, let's choose to respond in a way that pleases God.
Robert Prins 

Wednesday 1 January 2020

Amazing 2019 Re-cap - Significant world events relating to Bible Prophecy!

Another gentile year has come and gone and the Lord Jesus Christ has not yet returned. During 2019 it certainly feels like world events that connect to Bible Prophecy have intensified and at the end of the year geopolitics have been left in a state of unease and tenseness. The signs of the times are rapidly coming into focus and give us indications like never before that soon the Lord will be here.