Sunday 30 October 2016

Britain's Destiny Outside Europe in Bible Prophecy

What does the Bible say about Britain in Bible prophecy? What is her role? Where does she end up? What about countries born from Britain? What future events are foretold in the Bible? What is Tarshish? This and other questions are addressed in the public lecture by Daniel Billington.

Challenges of 21st Century Discipleship: 'Social Media & The Internet'

This segment is about communication in the digital age and how we should be being transformed by the mind of Christ and not conformed to the world. Touches on social media, phone etiquette and cyber bullying.

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Thursday 27 October 2016

The Resurrection of the Dead will Happen SOON

The Resurrection of the Dead will Happen SOON

The resurrection is one of the key Bible teachings. This presentation investigates what resurrection is and why it's needed and provides guidelines on what we must do to have a hope of being raised from the dead when Jesus returns to this earth.