Saturday 27 July 2024

Plate Tectonics and Bible Prophecy concerning the Mount of Olives

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text css=""]A @Christadelphians Video: Description: The earth is organised by tectonic plates. Amazingly, the arrival of Christ with his saints triggers a massive earthquake that will affect the nations who have come against Jerusalem to battle. Dividing this mountain so much will have a worldwide effect. Are we prepared for this event? # Summary This presentation explores the intersection of plate tectonics, specifically around the Mount of Olives, with biblical prophecy, focusing on the battle of Armageddon. It discusses the authority of the Bible, details about the Mount of Olives, and an overview of plate tectonics theory. The speaker correlates geological phenomena like earthquakes to biblical events, particularly emphasizing the prophesied seismic activity linked to the Mount of Olives in future events. ### Highlights - [📖] The Bible is considered the ultimate authority for understanding God's will and prophecy, guiding the discussion on plate tectonics and biblical events. - [🏔️] The Mount of Olives, situated east of Jerusalem, is a geological feature significant in biblical prophecy due to its association with future seismic events. - [🌍] Plate tectonics theory explains Earth's crust as composed of moving plates, influencing geological activities such as earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. - [⚔️] Biblical prophecy, particularly concerning the battle of Armageddon, suggests seismic events centered on the Mount of Olives will play a crucial role. - [🔍] Historical and biblical references align to support the idea that geological events, like earthquakes, are linked to prophesied events. # Keyword video content, Bible prophecy, plate tectonics [embedyt][/embedyt][/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text css_animation="none"]*************************************************************************************** This video was produced by the project, arranged and supported by Christadelphians worldwide. You can follow us online at.. #1 Our Main site...                      #2 Our podcast on Spotify..      #3 Our podcast on Apple.        #4 Our podcast on Podbean   #5 Our facebook...                      #6 Our Whats App..                      #7 Our Instagram...                     #8 Our X...                                       #9 Our YouTube Channel...     #10 Our Audio site ...                 Watch/read/Listen/ subscribe to  thoughts for the day CHRISTADELPHIANVIDEO.ORG, a worldwide collaboration by Christadelphians to help promote the understanding of God's Word to those who are seeking the Truth about the Human condition and God's plan and Purpose with the Earth and Mankind upon it. #Christadelphianvideo #christadelphianstalk #Christadelphians #bibletruthfeed #openbible #Gospeltruth #gospel #Christadelphian #bibletruthfeed #podcast[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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